Ergo regularly carries out research among journalists on behalf of organisations in various sectors. For this purpose, ideas are shared with specialised journalists (rtv, newspapers, news sites), usually in the shape of in-depth telephone interviews. In the interviews, the quality of the press communication of the clients is at the center of attention. In addition, developments in the sector are discussed. Ergo carries out this type of research both on an ad hoc basis and in the form of periodically repeated multi-client projects.
Ergo regularly organizes journalist research in the following sectors:
Traffic and Transportation (e.g. for BOVAG, NS, ANWB, RAI Association and ProRail)
Energy (e.g. for Eneco, ENGIE, Essent and Netbeheer Nederland)
Nature and Environment (e.g. for Staatsbosbeheer, Natuurmonumenten and
World Wildlife Fund)
Development Cooperation (e.g. for Doctors without Borders, Cordaid, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)